Campus Life

At Christian Life College, we strive to create an environment that promotes academic and spiritual growth. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible setting for learning and personal development.

At Christian Life College, we hold the spiritual growth of our students in the highest regard. The ability to foster a strong sense of spirituality and devotion is essential for our students to lead and serve with excellence.

One way of accomplishing this is through our Chapel Gatherings. Our Chapel Gatherings is an opportunity for you to contemplate and react to the work of the Holy Spirit.

This special service incorporates a diverse range of ministries, including guest speakers, faculty, and fellow students. At Chapel, you can participate in an uplifting experience of worship, motivation, and challenge.

We also have our Days of Prayer. It is a gathering of both students and staff where we come together to pray for individuals, communities, and the world. During this time, we seek divine intervention and guidance. It is a momentous occasion that strengthens our faith and fosters a sense of unity and togetherness within the college.

Spiritual Life


The Meade Memorial Library serves as the primary hub of knowledge for Christian Life College. It is an entirely automated public access catalog, hosting an impressive collection of over 21,000 volumes. A significant portion of the library's books, amounting to over 60%, are dedicated to Biblical and religious studies.

Furthermore, the library is equipped with a reference room that houses a plethora of multi-volume commentary sets, specialized encyclopedias, theological dictionaries, lexicons, Church histories, and sermon outlines. Notably, the library also boasts an archive of Pentecostal literature, spanning from the early 1900s to the present day. With its comprehensive collection of resources and valuable archives, the Meade Memorial Library proves to be an invaluable asset to Christian Life College's academic pursuits.

Ascension Convention

As a student, you will have the opportunity to join the leadership team of the Ascension Convention!

This annual youth convention takes place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before Easter and brings together hundreds of young people to celebrate Jesus.

The Ascension Convention features exceptional communicators and enthusiastic worship artists, providing an unforgettable three day experience. Over the years, Ascension has witnessed countless junior high through college-age students make life changing decisions to follow Jesus. It's a powerful place to be in the days leading up to Easter!